
Project Title: Strengthening Local Women Mediators' Capacity in Horizontal Conflict Mediation

AgencyUN-Women, supported by Women's Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF)
Thematic FocusWomen Peace and Security
Duration2022 to 2023
Project AreaLanao del Sur, Basilan
BeneficiariesCommunity-based women's groups exposed to or vulnerable to horizontal conflict that are in need of capacity building and organizational development assistance
Project OutputsWomen trained in conducting (community-based) research on horizontal conflicts
Women conducting research on horizontal conflicts
Women and men, government offices, and local authorities oriented on the results of the research
Development of risk management and contingency plans or strategies for the organization
Women sharing key messages to communities on the results of the research in the form of IEC materials

Project Title: Integrated Solid Waste Management Project

AgencyWorld Vision International
Thematic FocusSolid Waste Management / Waste Diversion
Duration2023 - 2024
Project AreaCotabato City
Beneficiaries15 Barangays of Cotabato City
Project OutputsTraining to SWM Task Force on Circular Economy, Waste Segregation, Collection, Consolidation, and Marketing
Alternative sources of income related recyclable materials for local households
Research on the prevention of the different kinds of waste