Our Story

During their years of working in Mindanao development, the founders of Transforming Fragilities, Inc. (TFI) observed that the lack of data or appreciation of its use for framing and implementing development programs greatly contributes to poor results and inefficiency in management.

The founders are among the witnesses of the peace and conflict dynamics of transitioning Mindanao from being war-torn into a land of lasting peace (finally, hopefully). They yearn to pinpoint the very root causes of the societal divide in Mindanao. The diversities within are highly fragile. Any wrong move can potentially delay the decades-long aspiration for true peace and development. They wanted to contribute to transforming the fragilities and complexities of it all.

A few more discussions with colleagues in the development sector validated their observation on the need for support services for international peacebuilding, humanitarian, and development organizations, particularly in monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning.

In 2018, TFI was founded with the founders at the forefront, a team of experts with various specializations as their pillars, a group of field enumerators covering the provinces of the BARMM as their support, and a network of stakeholders and organizations in BARMM and Regions X, XI, and XII as their driving force.

Transforming Fragilities believes in unleashing the power of data for social change and organizational excellence. In light of this, it designed its organizational VMGO as such:


Impoverished, under-served and crisis-affected communities are empowered and capacitated through evidence-based programming and by supporting peacebuilding, humanitarian and development organizations.



To advocate for data-driven community leading to positive societal change and transparent & accountable organizations. 

Goals and Values

To maintain highest standards of professionalism, integrity and objectivity in the conduct of monitoring, evaluation, research, learning and organizational development support services to peacebuilding, humanitarian and development organizations.


1. Promote effective and efficient monitoring and evaluation processes
2. Perform accurate and informative research processes
3. Ensure reflective and scaleable learning processes
4. Contribute to adaptive and responsive organizational development
5. Promote evidence-based programme and project management and implementation