TFI Attends CSO Summit 2023

Transforming Fragilities was one of 154 CSOs supporting the BARMM that attended the CSO Summit 2023 organized by the Consortium of Bangsamoro Civil Society (CBCS). The Summit will hold sessions

TFI, Partner Women’s Orgs Receive Coaching and Mentoring

TFI and partner women's organizations received initial coaching and mentoring in three separate sessions with our Organization's Development and Communications for Advocacy Consultants. The sessions include an introduction to organizational

TFI Trains, Deploys Field Teams in BARMM for PVE Baseline

36 enumerators, 6 provincial supervisors, and their respective documenters were trained and deployed by Transforming Fragilities to conduct a baseline study on preventing violent extremism (PVE) in the five (5)

TFI Receives DILG’s Certificate of Commendation

Transforming Fragilities, Inc. (TFI) was among the local and international stakeholders to receive a Certificate of Commendation from the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) for "meritorious contribution in

TFI Delivers Relief Goods to Affected Families of Typhoon Paeng

Typhoon Paeng affected families in Barangay Dinaig, Kusiong, and Tapian in Datu Odin Sinsuat (DOS), Maguindanao, received relief donations on November 9, 2022, from Transforming Fragilities, Inc.'s (TFI) donation campaign

TFI Signs MOU with Partner Women’s Org

TFI signed its Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with partner women's organizations in Lanao del Sur and Basilan on September 30, 2022. The simultaneous signing of the MOU was held after

TFI Enumerators Collect Research Data for UN Women Project

TFI's enumerators began collecting data for the study on Strengthening Local Women Mediators' Capacity on Horizontal Conflicts and Mediation. Following the four-day simultaneous training workshop with partner women organizations and

TFI Conducts Training of Field Teams on Research in Strengthening Women Local Mediators in Horizontal Conflicts

TFI simultaneously oriented and prepared a mix of field enumerators from their pool and volunteers from would-be partner women's groups in the provinces of Lanao Del Sur and Basilan on

TFI Takes on WPS Media Advocacy

TFI Program Manager Raydan Tangwayan and PMEAL Officer Oonah Kyles Abing, with other offices and civil society organizations in Mindanao, attended the three-day Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Media and

TFI Experts Co-facilitate Finalization Write-Shop on Formulating BPA-CoRe

Transforming Fragilities members of the pool of experts co-facilitated the Finalization Write-Shop on Formulating the Bangsamoro Plan of Action on Community Resilience (BPA-CoRe) with the UNDP and MILG to help

TFI Experts Conduct Field Assessment with Beneficiaries of OCM-BARMM’s Special Programs

As part of their engagement with the Suporta sa Bangsamoro Transition (SUBATRA) Program, members of the Pool of Experts of Transforming Fragilities conducted a field assessment through a series of

TFI Pool of Experts Conduct Simultaneous Validation Workshops

Members of the Pool of Experts of Transforming Fragilities conducted simultaneous validation workshops and M&E training for senior staff of the three Flagship Programs of the Office of the Chief

TFI Pool of Experts Tap as Consultants for BARMM Office of Chief Minister Flagship Programs

While preparing for the activities to provide technical assistance to BARMM OCM, three members of Transforming Fragilities' expert pool attended the 3-Day Kick-off Workshop on the Definition of OCM Flagship

TF Joins the Muslim World in Observance of the Holy Month of Ramadan

The Transforming Fragilities family wishes you all the blessings of the holy month. May the Spirit of Ramadan stay in our hearts and illuminate our souls from within. Happy Ramadan!

TF Conducts Training for Phone Survey Enumerators

Twenty (2) enumerators were recruited and trained to conduct an effective phone survey for Oxfam’s Sexual Health and Empowerment (SHE) Project Midterm Survey in the Philippines. The 3-day training included

Greetings of Peace!

Greetings of Peace! This is the official Facebook page of Transforming Fragilities, an NGO focusing on research, M&E, capability building, and organizational development. It is based in Cotabato City, but