Our Story

In their years of working for the development of Mindanao, Philippines, the team of founders of Transforming Fragilities (TF) observed that the lack of data or appreciation of the use of data for framing and implementing development programs greatly contributes to poor results and inefficiency in management.

In their years of working for the development of Mindanao, Philippines, the team of founders of Transforming Fragilities (TF) observed that the lack of data or appreciation of the use of data for framing and implementing development programs greatly contributes to poor results and inefficiency in management.​

The founders are among the witnesses of the peace and conflict dynamics of transitioning Mindanao from being war-torn into a land of lasting peace (finally, hopefully). They yearn to pinpoint the very root causes of societal divide in Mindanao. The diversities within are highly fragile. Any wrong move can potentially delay the ecades-long aspiration for true peace and development. They wanted to contribute to transforming the fragilities and complexities of it all.

A few more discussions with colleagues in the development sector validated their observation on the need for support services for international peacebuilding, humanitarian and development organizations, particularly in the areas of monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning.

In 2018, TF finally came into existence with Tommy and Nonoy as vanguards, a pool of consultants with different specializations as their pillars and the networks of stakeholders and organizations in BARMM and Regions X, XI and XII as their force

Moving forward, TF is on a mission to bridge quality data and organizational efficiency to co-create an environment that would allow for correct and appropriate humanitarian and development interventions in the community.

We also commit to bring back to community by sponsoring research/thesis of college students on gender, women, adolescents/youth, peacebuilding and humanitarian response in Mindanao through Small Collegiate Research Grants.