From Conflict to Collaboration: Women Mediators in Lanao del Sur and Basilan Complete Horizontal Conflict Mediation Training

From Conflict to Collaboration: Women Mediators in Lanao del Sur and Basilan Complete Horizontal Conflict Mediation Training

In a significant stride towards empowering women mediators and promoting peace in conflict-affected areas, 12 partner women’s organizations from Lanao del Sur and 11 partner women’s organizations from Basilan successfully completed the three-day Horizontal Conflict Mediation Training for the Simultaneous Training-Workshop Series on Community-based Mediation Skills, Communications Advocacy, and Organizational Development for Women Groups in Lanao del Sur, and Basilan. The training was held from May 7 to 9, in Marawi City, and Isabela City, and aimed to strengthen the capacities of local women mediators in responding to horizontal conflicts at the community level.

The training was organized by TFI in partnership with UN Women and supported by the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF), to strengthen the capacities of local women mediators in responding to horizontal conflicts at the community level and baseline research on the types of horizontal conflict existing in the communities of Lanao del Sur and Basilan and the level of participation of women in the mitigation of these conflicts.

On the first day, the participants engaged in interactive sessions to map out conflicts within their communities and explored the steps traditionally taken by Yakan/Maranao people to resolve conflicts. The limitations faced by Yakan/Maranao women in community mediation and their role were also discussed.

On the second day, the participants shared their insights on Traditional Conflict Resolution practices prevalent among the Moro of Mindanao. In addition, they expanded their knowledge by exploring Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) Approaches and the basics of Arbitration and Conciliation.

The final day of the training focused on equipping the participants with the fundamental skills of mediation. They learned the basics and steps involved in mediation processes and were taught how to apply ADR in Traditional Moro Conflict Resolution. The training concluded with a session on Re-entry Planning, enabling participants to develop strategies for effectively implementing their newfound knowledge and skills.
Resource persons Yasmira Moner and Ruth Guerrero played instrumental roles in delivering the training sessions in Marawi and Isabela, respectively.

The successful completion of the Simultaneous Training-Workshop Series represents a significant milestone in strengthening the capacities of women mediators in addressing conflicts within their communities. The training not only provided them with essential skills in communication-based mediation but also fostered their abilities in communications advocacy and organizational development.

This initiative, led by TFI, UN Women, and supported by WPHF, reflects a commitment to promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in conflict-affected areas of the Philippines. With the newly acquired knowledge and skills, it is hoped that these empowered women mediators will become agents of positive change and contribute to sustainable peace-building efforts within their respective communities.

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