UN Women Spot-checking for WPHF Project Field Monitoring
UN Women team, Jonas Gregory Perez and Raymund Pajela, with TFI Supplies and Logistics Associate Quenny Servano, and Project Assistant Rainbow Sakal.

UN Women Spot-checking for WPHF Project Field Monitoring

UN Women team, Jonas Gregory Perez and Raymund Pajela, with TFI Supplies and Logistics Associate Quenny Servano, and Project Assistant Rainbow Sakal.


On April 19, 2023, UN Women conducted the WPHF Field Monitoring and Spot-checking Mission at TFI to review and update the Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF) face, project reporting based on results-framework, preparation for partner audits, and discuss challenges and the way forward.

During the visit, the UN Women team, led by Jonas Gregory Perez and Raymund Pajela, had a kumustahan initiative, which facilitated a better understanding of TFI’s work, helped streamline processes, and improved communication lines between the two organizations.

The visit was part of UN Women’s partnership with the TFI project “Strengthening Local Women Mediators’ Capacity in Horizontal Conflict Mediation,” supported by the WPHF. This project aims to enhance the capacity of local women mediators to respond to horizontal conflicts at the community level. It includes baseline research on the types of horizontal conflict present in the communities of Lanao del Sur and Basilan and the level of participation of women in mitigating these conflicts.

During the visit, the UN Women team reviewed financial reports and provided recommendations, strengthening the partnership between the two organizations.

Overall, the meeting between UN Women and TFI was fruitful and allowed both parties to evaluate the project’s financial progress, operational challenges, and ways forward.

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