TFI Takes on WPS Media Advocacy

TFI Takes on WPS Media Advocacy

TFI Program Manager Raydan Tangwayan and PMEAL Officer Oonah Kyles Abing, with other offices and civil society organizations in Mindanao, attended the three-day Women, Peace, and Security (WPS) Media and Advocacy and Workshop focused on promoting and implementing United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on Women, Peace, and Security (UNSCR 1325-WPS) from August 10 to 12 at Davao City. Through the WPS-ASEAN project, UN Women hosted the event with the support of Global Affairs Canada and the Korean Ministry of Gender Equality and Family. Several lectures on communication and media concepts were covered during the workshop. But the highlight is the attendees’ formation of a network, led by Carol Rodriguez Dawonlayviuda de Bello, Communication for Development (C4D) Consultant.  

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